Lt. Sophie's Beam Rifle
To unlock Lt.Sophie's beam rifle, just increase the number of kills. Note:To make it easier Simulation 1 would be a good idea.
Unlock Ramba Ral
To unlock Ramba Ral complete Simulation 13 to unlock his mobile suit.
Unlock Gaia
To unlock Gaia complete Simulation 14 to unlock his moblie suit.
Unlock Kai
To unlock Kai succesfully complete mission 10 round 2 to unlock Kai.
Unlock Lt. Fran's Guntank MP
To obtain Lt. Fran's Guntank MP obtain 50 kills with her GM S-Armor to unlock her Guntank MP.
Unlock Lt. Sophie's Guntank MP
To unlock Lt.Sophie's Guntank MP obtain 50 kills with her RX-79(G) to unlock her Guntank MP.
Unlock Sayla
Sucessfully complete 3 Fediration missions with at least A C + to unlock Sayla.
Federation Shield for Austin's Zaku 1
Successfully complete the game, then play practice mission 1 with Austin's Zaku 1. Successfully complete it and you should have a heavy Fed shield like the Gundam's, and a few new supplies.